We make passionate, rigorous, political work, full of joy, but with a clear focus on those excluded by society at large, and how the politics of identity define our bodies, lives and environments.
Featured work
Twine is our new mid-scale production which is a story about love and loneliness, families and ghosts, and the way in which one shattering moment can transform multiple family trees for generations to come.
Featured work
A video adaptation of the globally toured and highly acclaimed salt.
A journey to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. In February 2016, two artists got on a cargo ship, and retraced one of the routes of the Transatlantic Slave Triangle – from the UK to Ghana to Jamaica, and back. Their memories, their questions, and their grief took them along the bottom of the Atlantic and through the figurative realm of an imaginary past. It was a long journey backwards, in order to go forwards. This show is what they brought back.
salt:dispersed is available for screening in-person and digital, nationally and internationally.
Current Project
Read Toni L's travel diary of the Canopy Beijing research trip from December 2024
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Current Project
Dive into Toni D's thoughts around access from Canopy Beijing
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Current Project
Now it's December, we're not done yet as Canopy is heading to China...
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Selina Thompson Ltd is a company Limited by Guarantee, and registered England and Wales
Company No 10058978
Registered Office: Assay Studios, 141 Newhall Street, Birmingham, B3 1SF
Selina Thompson Ltd is an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation, which means funding thanks to National Lottery players plays a huge part in supporting our work.
Member of the Independent Theatre Council, the management association representing the independent performing arts sector.