Hello Handsome,
I meant to blog earlier, but a combination of tempestuous internet and a brief crash (too much coffee, not enough chocolate) resulted in me not really getting it together until now. Stuart Gresham (you remember him, he’s lovely, he took the photos before) came down today, and took lots of photos of me setting up the room. Gallery rooms are so incredibly white and bright in a way that is almost instantly jarring, so the feel of these photos doesn’t tell you much about the feel, of the piece, but you can see where I’m living at the moment, and that in itself is nice. Might have to whack some coverage over the windows and some nice silk scarves over the lights:
I’ll give you my to do list for today… suitably cryptic I hope, but enough to let you know that I’ve not just bee sat around reading vogue all day:
1) Curtains 2) Unpack ‘Bertha’s Room’ 3) Name the Rooms 4) De construct cuddly toys 5) Read – Wide Sargasso Sea, Invisible Man, Bobby Baker,t.s.eliot, 6)Photo ‘my room’, and plan alternative photo shoot
I’m almost there! A good strong push over the next few hours, and I think I can really get somewhere.
I think today has been useful, if a slow starter (and it’s not done. There’s a lot I’m hoping to get done tonight with things a bit quieter and darker and peaceful… and there being wine. mmm. anyway) – lots and lots and lots of ideas, and a clear shift in emphasis into the visual aspects of the piece. I’m looking forward to reading tonight, to working with written stimulus and turning it into little moments. I think I need to come back to the mental health ,buy lexapro online, issues that were the starting point of the piece though, it’s important to me that I don’t lose that focus. Going to have a big think about how I can work on that tonight, it’s something I’m very nervous about. Going to start with a big read of Bobby Baker’s ‘Redeeming Features of Everyday Life’, and take it from there.
It’s important to me that tomorrow I spend lots of time doing things, and trying ideas out in the space, particularly as today has been so heavily based on sitting and thinking, writing notes, putting together moodboards, and collages and the like. It’s not got to be pretty – it’s the second day, so it should all be very rough, but I want to see how things look.
Tomorrow, if people come to see me, I’ll have tasks to complete with them. It’ll be fun. Bring a prop, and I’ll pop the kettle on.