Building the Bedroom
Event Dates
1/02/2012 – 3/02/2012
Selina Thompson would like to invite you – no, urge you, to attend an event taking place at Bank Street next week, from Wednesday 1st Feburary until Friday 3rd Feburary.
The key focus of Selina’s residency is constructing a piece of work looking at Bedrooms, and the emotional connections that people forge to the rooms that they sleep in, to spaces that they make their own. As a part of this, from the first of February she will be conducting two sleepovers in Gallery Three as the beginning of a very literal ‘residency’ at Bank Street. Throughout this time, she will be collating her preliminary research and beginning to place small pieces of performance into the space, taking her experiences of Bank Street Arts as a home as her starting point. The entire event will be documented in photographs, video blogs and written blogs, so can hopefully be followed as it develops.
She is eager for people to attend this event at any point between 10am and 5pm, to have a cup of tea and a biscuit, and discuss the work that she is putting together with her, particularly those who have been so kind as to send her the photographs that are helping to shape her work. It’s not a performance or exhibition as such, in many ways, it’s just a chance to see a very literal work in progress, and have your say and input into how it is being formed.
She will be present from 10am until 5pm on all three days and is extremely excited to start creating her work, and meeting more of the people that use Bank Street.