Twas the night before Bank Street and all through the house…

Hello Wonderful,

Today has been a productive one, though I have been a little bubble of scared and stressed. Such is life, I suppose. Fundamentally though, it has been lovely, and in a short time, my good friend and all around wonder Dorrit is coming to pick me and a mass of sheets up and deliver us to Bank Street, where we’ll reside for the next few days.

So tomorrow is my first day at Bank Street! Come down if you like, it should be lovely and nice. Tomorrow is named ‘Setting Up Shop’  so I’m going to spend the day setting up. Where’s my list of things… Hmm…

OK, here’s my little first response that I wrote:

The three days are something I am both excited about but also nervous about. Initially, staying at Bank Street for three days was something I wanted to do simply because,  frozen as I was by insecurity and panic and inexperience, it seemed a sensible place to start. It’s important to me that I embrace all three of those aspects of this journey, and so my lack of surety is not something which I will ignore. Rather, it is something I’m going to explore over the three days, trying things out, setting myself little artistic tasks. The three days each have a central point/ aim. 
Wednesday: Setting Up Shop – Working out how Bank Street Runs from Day to day. Exploring the entire building properly, Doing tasks that look at creating ownership of a space, thinking about moving in, decorating, nesting, building, filling with clutter, and stripping back – how many different looks can be created within one space, cleaning a space in order viagra to create your own mess.
And here are the list of things I’m taking in with me:
Print outs of photos – tea – biscuits – paper- coloured paper – blu tac – things to make breakfast in bed – water bottle – hot water bottle – slippers – dressing gown – mini heater – blankets – sheets – laptop – blow up mattress – camera – post it notes – fashion magazines (vogue, love, elle, tatler, id) – take away – teapot – speakers – furniture – rugs – photographs – scarves – oddities – pens – pillows – cushions – books – fruit bowl 
Are you intrigued? You should be. Come up and see me, make me smile.

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