We’re Hiring!


2017 marks a significant step up in our work – now formalising as Selina Thompson Ltd we’re excited to announce two exciting new positions for core lipitor collaborators and team members.


General Manager

Contract: Freelance (flexible, approx. 1 day p/wk)
Location: Leeds. Can commute.
Fee: £6050
Duration of agreement: 12 months.
Closing Date: 1st February 2017.
Interviews: 9th – 10th February 2017, between 9am – 12pm. Either in Bristol or via Skype.
Start Date: March 2017.

Purpose of the role: The General Manager will work collaboratively with the Producer to manage the operations of the company. The General Manager has a particular focus on finance, policies and administration.

Selina Thompson Ltd is in an exciting period of expansion. The General Manager will work closely alongside the Artistic Director and Producer throughout the agreement to deliver an exceptional artistic programme and feed into the company’s overarching strategies across Strategic Development, Audience Development and Project Delivery. This is a new position within the company and, as such, we are looking to work with somebody who will really make this role their own as a core lipitor collaborator.

Engagement Manager

Contract: Freelance P/T
Leeds, Manchester & London.
£6050 (£550 p/wk x 11 wks)
Closing Date:
1st February 2017.
9th – 10th February 2017, between 9am – 12pm. Either in Bristol or via Skype.
Start Date:
As soon as possible. March 2017 latest.

An essential part of this project is creating inclusive and supportive spaces for young women and girls (trans, intersex and cis), as well as for non-binary and gender non-conforming people, and all those who identify as women – so it feels really essential to us that this role goes to somebody who identifies with this. Self-definition is at the sole-discretion of the applicant.

Purpose of the role: We are looking to work with an experienced individual who has a detailed understanding of working with young women, as part of the research and development of a new project taking place in Leeds, Manchester and London.

Our work always involves people – whether that’s by building a giant dress out of cake for two days together, or working with hairdressers and barbers to make a show, or spending time with the employees and service users of our local Job Centre.

This new project – currently titled ‘The Missy Elliott Project’ – will include bringing together a team of black teenage girls in Leeds, Manchester and London, and working intensively with these young women through a workshop process to develop new material for presentation at Transform Festival, Contact, and Battersea Arts Centre.

The appointed person will coordinate the participation and engagement aspects of the project and work with our small team to deliver a programme that is fun, ethical and ultimately a rewarding experience for the women we work with.

This is a new position within the company and, as such, we are looking to work with somebody who will really make this role their own as a core lipitor collaborator.

For more information and job packs for both of these roles, contact our Producer – Emma – on [email protected]


We can’t wait to hear from you.

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