
“No adoption show!
Too private, too personal, too intimate, too triggering, too scary, and too many ramifications you can’t control!”
The writer has broken a promise; this show is the consequence(s).


Set in a forest of bloody eggs, ghost family members, vaudeville politicians and broken TVs, Twine is the story of how Seed, Bark and Sapling liberated themselves and each other from a legacy of shame, violence and silence.  Irreverent and full of yearning, Twine offers a unique odyssey into all that our families are, and all that they could be.

Fall into a forest of family trees haunted by Stuart Hall and bell hooks, Kat Slater (yes, that one) and Medea, where taboos are broken, and yearnings and desires grow deeper, richer and riskier than they could ever have imagined.

Twine is a story about love and loneliness, families and ghosts, and the way in which one shattering moment can transform multiple family trees for generations to come. 


Get in touch

Contact [email protected]

Dip into the world of TWINE

There’s something for everyone – come on in.

Twine / Canopy Reading List

Listen to the Twine Inspo Spotify Playlist

Learn more about the Twine Props – The Bloody Egg

Find out about the Twine  Set – The Family Tree

Sink into the Twine Original Music



Previously at the Legacy Centre of Excellence as part of Fierce Festival (16-19 October 2024) and at The Yard Theatre (30 Aug – 21 Sep 2024)

Credits and Partners


Written by Selina Thompson 

In Collaboration with Jennifer Tang (Director) & Naomi Kuyck-Cohen (Designer) 

Commissioned by Yard Theatre, Nottingham Playhouse, Live Theatre, Theatre in the Mill & Cambridge Junction with support from the Stobbs New Ideas Fund

With support from Support Not Separation, and the Foster Parents, Adopters, Social Workers, Academics, Artists & Activists that have shared their stories. 

Twine R&D was originally supported by an Arts Council of England (ACE) Project Grant. Selina Thompson Ltd is a National Portfolio Company, supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.

The Team


Nandhi BhebheSeed

Muki ZubisBark

Angelina ChudiSapling

Creative Collaborators

Jennifer Tang (Director)

Naomi Kuyck-Cohen (Designer) 

Cory Hippolyte (Associate Director)

Maddy Costa (Dramaturg)

Joshua Gadsby (Lighting Design) 

Tingying Dong (Sound Design)

Reisz Amos (Composer)

Pauline Mayers (Movement Director)

Diandra McCalla (Producer)

Text says "Fierce"

Arts Council Lottery funding logo

Content Notes

Expand to see what themes and language is in Twine

We think that Twine is suitable for age 14+, but you know your young folk best. Please read the notes below, and email us if you have specific questions. 

Twine contains strong themes, and language which some people may find difficult. The work explores the long term impact of social care systems, including adoption, foster care, prison and judicial systems and the circumstances that lead to people being caught up in those systems, and the harm they can inflict. This includes but is not limited to physical abuse and neglect, miscarriage, the death of an infant, and of a sibling; and family separation and breakdown. 

The show looks at the long term impact of traumatic events, grief, poor mental health, and the impact of discrimination and oppression are grappled with head on.